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"Exit "is the name of the pub. The huge blue door and blue facade are also the pub's signature, means Brexit,while creating a humorous way to enter the main entrance. In this project ,different forms of gathering in combination with the site structure and natural light conditions are also discussed.

"Exit "is the name of the pub. The huge blue door and blue facade are also the pub's signature, means Brexit,while creating a humorous way to enter the main entrance. In this project ,different forms of gathering in combination with the site structure and natural light conditions are also discussed.

Referring to the architectural form of the British House of Lords and the Commons and the way people gather, the first and second floors of this case distribute the guests’ activity space around the central bar, and the ground floor(basement) is also themed around gathering, creating a space for people to sit around easily. As a space for watching live performances in the pub.

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